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Intuition and Vending Sales

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Vending Business Show | 0 comments

Intuition and vending sales.  If you think you need to go talk to somebody on your prospect list, you probably ought to.  Intuition and vending sales go hand and hand.

Listen to that small voice that nudges you to contact someone even if you don’t know why, there’s usually a good reason for it. Listen to yourself.  Remember intuition and vending sales go hand and hand.

Just today while driving back from a sales call and I’m thinking, “I think I need to go see this guy.” And sure enough when I go to see him, what was a cold call turned out to be a 3 hour full presentation and I’ll be taking a piece of the product out to show him next week.

It was just on a whim. I don’t know why I decided to do it, but I decided to do it. It’s called listening to that voice in the back of your head that says, “Do it, do it.”

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Episode Transcript:

Tom Shivers: Hi, I’m Tom with the Vending Business Show, here again with Larry Towner and we’re talking about a different concept here for your vending business. Tell us about that, Larry.

Larry Towner,: Today, Tom, we’re talking about the Twilight Zone. No, we’re not. Actually, today we’re gonna talk a little bit- … You said, “Keep it light!” What can I say? Today, we’re gonna talk about something that really has worked for me over the years in my business adventures. And it doesn’t matter what I’m doing. I call it intuition, or business intuition, or whatever you want to call it, and it’s been put forth intuition and vending sales … Tom and I had a conversation. It’s been put forth in some success literature and this, that, and the other thing, but I’ve really found it to be true, and it kinda works like this.

Larry Towner,: If you think you need to go talk to somebody, you probably ought to, because most of the time there’s just something in the back of your head that says, “You know, I haven’t talked to so and so in a while.” And you decide that you need to. And then the next thing you know, you find out there’s some traumatic event in their life or in the business sense you go in and you have a situation … I had a situation just today where I was out marketing the product that I’m marketing now, and I’m driving back from this one sales call and I’m going, “I think I need to go see this guy.” And sure enough, I go to see him, we go in, we get … From what turned out to be a cold call turned out to be about a three hour full presentation and actually have to take a piece of product out to show him next week. And it was just on a whim, I guess I wanna say.

Larry Towner,: I don’t know why I decided to do it. I just decided to do it. Its called listening to that little thing in the back of your head saying, “Do it, do it.” It’s the devil on this shoulder and the angel on this shoulder. Get that angel off there. Just do it, right? Listen to what he says. Have you ever experienced anything like that, Tom?

Tom Shivers: From time to time, yes. It’s not something that happens often to me, but I’m very familiar with what you’re talking about.

Larry Towner,: Yeah. I’ve just found in my vending businesses, I just found that if you go for whatever reason … You’re in a break, you’re servicing your machines, somebody is there talking to you and for whatever reason you decide you need to turn around and really devote some time to them. You really don’t know why. Come to find out it’s the multinational conglomerate president and he says, “Do you do this anywhere else?” And you go, “Yeah! I probably could do it at all your locations.” And he goes, “Yeah, you probably could.” And the next thing you know you’re moving into 15 locations throughout your location and you don’t really know why all of the sudden you decide to turn around to talk to this guy who is wearing jeans and a cut off T-shirt, right? Or whatever. But he happened to be in the facility working, doing something, and the next thing you know, you’re talking to him and you just do it.

Larry Towner,: One of the experiences that I’ve had is another experience, is I can walk into a crowded room and within about two minutes, I can tell who the boss is. I don’t know how, but I just know. I can tell by … It’s either his posture or … His or her. It doesn’t … Make that sound like it’s always a man. It’s not. But I can always tell whose in charge and it’s not necessarily the one pointing, making things happen. It’s just a presence. It’s just listen to yourself. That voice in the back of your head will tell you things.

Larry Towner,: I was reading on the internet the other day, Tom. Somebody sent me this email and it said to me, it said if I just sent them $250,000 to Nigeria, they would guarantee me a 5 billon dollar return. And boy, I was about to send that money off to them, and then I decided, “You know, it just doesn’t seem right to me to do that.” I know you’ve never had that experience either.

Tom Shivers: No. I was gonna find out how I could get in on that.

Larry Towner,: See? There you go. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. So, it’s that kind of thing. It’s the old thing. Things are rarely as great as they are presented to be. But listen to that bit of intuition in the back of your head and you might be surprised. You might be amazed at the things that come to you when you just tune into what’s happening around you. So what do you think?

Tom Shivers: Great tips, Larry, as always. And we’ll be coming up with some intuitive ideas here in the next video.

Larry Towner,: Next stop, the Twilight Zone.

Tom Shivers: All right, you been watching Intuition and Vending Sales at the Vending Business Show, and be sure to subscribe so you can get all this cool stuff we’re doing here. This is an A&M equipment sales production.

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