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Vending High Security Electronic Locks

by | Nov 6, 2012 | Vending Business Show | 0 comments

Vending High Security Electronic Locks  An interview with Mike Bunt,  General Manager of Corporate Marketing Equipment of the Buffalo Rock Company

A few excerpts:

“The big value Vending High Security Electronic Locks   bring to us is the tracking capabilities; we can tell who goes into the machines at what time…”

Mike explains some of the different Vending High Security Electronic lock systems available and which ones they have tested.

“They allow us to solve money disputes on shortages coming out of the vending equipment… It’s another security tool that helps us with accountability on the routes.”

Listen to the podcast:


Vending High Security Electronic Locks  Tom Shivers: I’m Tom Shivers with the Vending Business Show here with Mike Bundt, General Manager of Corporate Marketing Equipment of the Buffalo Rock Company.

Tom Shivers: Today we’re talking about locking systems. So thanks for being here, Mike.

Mike Bundt: You’re welcome.

Tom Shivers: Electronic locks aren’t new but how does Buffalo Rock use them?

Mike Bundt: Well, we use them, you know, obviously for Vending High Security Electronic Locks for purposes on the vending machines. They are a little harder to get into than the typical mechanical locks. But the big value they bring to us is the tracking capabilities. We can tell who goes in the machines at what time, you know, and log that towards the route man’s day or the service techs day. Were they supposed to be there? Were they supposed to be in the machine?

Tom Shivers: Well, what kind of different lock systems are y’all using?

Mike Bundt: Primarily, right now, we are using Tritech locking systems. Which comes on all the Pepsi vendors. We are in a couple tests right now with Tritech on the non-Pepsi equipment, the snacks and the food machines. And we are about to roll into a test with Bandlock and we have tested the Medeco electronic locking system in the past.

Mike Bundt: We find that there is a huge value to having the electronic tracking locks, you know, on the equipment in the tray.

Tom Shivers: And what kind of value is that?

Mike Bundt: Well, it allows us to, you know, hopefully solve any disputes, you know, on money shortages coming out [inaudible 00:01:57] vending equipment. If a route man checks up short and for instance, he feels that someone had gone into the machine and we’re able to pull the locks that are tied to that machine, download them at our desk and it will tell us if that lock was used to unlock that machine at any time. And it’s another security tool that helps us, you know, in the accountability on the routes.

Tom Shivers: You mention you’re testing out different locks. Are you expecting that test to be done this year or next year?

Mike Bundt: Yeah, well, more than likely it would be Tritech’s. We’ve been in it probably 30 days now and we’ll run it for 60, 90 days. And the van lock test that we’re going into, we’ll probably deploy it right around mid-December. And we like to make sure that the hardware works like they say it does. And in addition to the software piece, you know the reporting compatibility to the computer systems that we have?

Mike Bundt: So it’s probably a 90, 120 day, you know, final testing results on it.

Tom Shivers: Thanks for sharing, Mike. Tell us more about Buffalo Rock.

Mike Bundt: Well, we … Pepsi distributor, full on operator, we have 12 sales centers in three states, family owned and have about roughly 90 to 100,000 assets in the tray.

Tom Shivers: You’ve been listening to Vending High Security Electronic Locks  at the Vending Business Show a publication of A and M Equipment sales.

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