The Vending Business Blog

Vending Remote Monitoring

by | Jun 8, 2012 | Vending Business Show | 0 comments

Vending Remote Monitoring  An interview with Greg Hasslinger, VP of Sales at InOne TechnologyInOne Technology

Vending Remote Monitoring What are the technical requirements for a vending machine to be remotely monitored by an operator?

First of all the vending machine must be able to provide a DEX file. The majority of the OEM’s have been incorporating DEX into their machines for years. However there are many older machines that are still in use today that do not provide Dex. InOne provides 2 solutions for these machines without Dex- DEX audit kits or replacement controller boards for older AP, National and some Polyvend snack machines…

What are some of the benefits of  vending remote monitoring?

Though a lot will depend on the operator, their current operation and what they define as a successful implementation. Some of the key benefits we hear from our customers after implementing vending remote monitoring : we carry less inventory in the trucks, we have been able to reduce unnecessary trips to machines that do not require product, we are informed ahead of time of problems with the machines, our customers feel they are being serviced promptly and can also see sales reports when provided with secured login capability…

Does the vending remote monitoring  solution provide the operator with alerts?

Yes, InOne’s Arrow Connect Solution provides various types of alerts and alarms. The alerts are generated from the Dex file, over the MDB, as a result of rules set by the operator and by loss of power at the machine.  These can be provided via text message, email or both to one or numerous individuals in the operation.

What costs are involved to add vending remote monitoring? What about adding cashless in the future?

Assuming the vending machines have Dex and MDB there is the cost of the hardware and the monthly monitoring fee. The cost will vary based on the purchase option the operator chooses.  You can contact me at 410-666-3800 x1106 and I can provide you with the options so you can make the best decision for your current and long term needs. Yes, once you have the Arrow Connect you can easily migrate to providing cashless capabilities just by adding a card reader (which we provide a number of options).

I’ve heard operators say that they want to add vending remote monitoring  to only a couple machines to start off, is that possible?

Yes, we have always believed to treat each customer the same, whether for 3 machines or for 3 routes of machines.

If an operator is using a route management software package, will you be able to send them a DEX file?

We have adopted the NAMA VDI standard and are currently sending Dex files to the route management systems where they have adopted this standard. Though there are some companies that have not adopted the standard and are working on it.

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